Wednesday 26 March 2014

Mons - Action Elouges Cheshires Last Stand

At Elouges the initial attack by German infantry was checked, however  increasing numbers of German troops continued to put pressure on the flank guard. With the 5th Division now retreating safely, orders were issued by Lt. Col Ballard commanding the troops at Elouges at 2;30 pm for the flank guard to retire.

The 1st Norfolk and the British artillery began their withdrawal, but despite sending three messages to 1 Cheshire they failed to receive the order to retire. The Cheshires together with small parties of Norfolks continued to fight until they were surrounded and overwhelmed, the action finishing at 7 pm in the evening.

Looking over the Battlefield at Elouges
Cheshires last stand

Action at Elouges - Cheshires last stand